Is your home the most energy efficient it can be? Do you want to save money on energy bills? What makes a sustainable home and what are some simple things you can to improve yours? There's so much information and out there, here is one place to start!
On 26 November 2022, we hosted our first ever Sustainable Homes Expo at the Campbelltown Function Centre.
The event welcomed eight expert speakers sharing tips and ideas for both new and established homes, as well as 17 exhibition stalls featuring designers, builders, consultants, product suppliers and government organisations, strategically selected to help attendees create sustainable homes.
The event was attended by upwards of 230 people, and presentations were live streamed and recorded (for you to watch below!).
Whether you're planning a new home or improving the one you’re in, the Sustainable Homes Expo provided solutions and expert advice for all!
This event was a one-stop-shop for everyone interested in making their homes a safe, comfortable, and energy efficient haven!
Learn from the day’s expert presenters on our YouTube channel.
Topics and speakers are in the program below.
Watch & learn
New homes sessions
Why build sustainably? with Ken Long, ASBN
Why electrify everything? with Luke Morton, iO Energy
Efficiency & sustainability by design? with Lachlan McEwen, Harmonic Design
How much does it all cost? with Mark Thomas, Goodhouse Architecture
Existing homes sessions
Choosing a sustainability mindset with Ben Walsham, SUHO
Renovating for efficiency with Paul Hendy, TS4 Living
Quick fixes for better living with John Boland, UniSA
Energy, solar, battery, EVs how they work together with Jenny Paradiso, Suntrix
panel discussions
Expert panel discussion on new homes, with Ken, Lachie, Luke and Mark
Expert panel discussion on existing homes, with Ben, John, Paul and Jenny
Meet our stallholders
Click below to view our stall holders and government agencies who offer resources, consulting services, products and sales.

This event is brought to you by Campbelltown City Council, in partnership with the Adelaide Sustainable Building Network (ASBN) and Resilient East.
Special thanks to all the speakers and stallholders who participated and made this event a success!