Climate Change. We’re working on it.

Resilient East partners have worked together since 2012 investigating and responding to the impacts of climate change in our region. We've used this information to inform council policies, management plans and communities. You may find some of the resources we've developed useful for your own planning too.


Resilient East & Climate Impact Factsheets

Just a little about us! Plus, understanding how our climate is changing and the impacts we will face in eastern Adelaide.

Click the button to download both, or, click on the text for them individually.

Resilient East Factsheet

Climate Change Impacts in Eastern Adelaide


Resilient East Urban Heat Mapping Factsheets

Urban Heat and Tree Mapping Viewer is an online tool helping us to plan for cooler, more resilient homes and neighbourhoods by highlighting where surface heat builds up and why.

To assist you in using the online tool, we have developed six fun and interactive factsheets!

Click the button to download the factsheets and access the online mapping tool.


Understanding the Eastern Region and how the Climate is Changing, factsheet

A quick snapshot of the important features of eastern Adelaide and climate impacts the region may experience now and into the future.


Understanding the Eastern Region's Vulnerability to a Changing Climate, factsheet

How the aspects or features we value in the eastern region may be impacted by climate change.


Actions for the Eastern Region to Respond to a Changing Climate, factsheet

Key priorities identified in our Adaptation Plan to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by a changing climate.


Resilient East Highlights 2020-21

Together, we have achieved a lot. Check out these achievements from the 2020-21 financial year in this highlights factsheet.


Climate Projections Report

This report describes the drivers of climate change, sources of variation in climate projections and what we may experience in the future.


Vision, Values and Key Decisions Report

Vision and values for the eastern region and their vulnerability to a changing climate.


Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) Report

The IVA was developed and implemented using a collaborative approach involving the project team and a range of stakeholders from across the Resilient East Region.


Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan

The Regional Adaptation Plan provides a foundation for a coordinated and collaborative response to climate change and identifies our priorities for adaptation across the eastern region.


Heat mapping for Eastern and Northern Adelaide report

Resilient East with the City of Salisbury undertook an urban heat mapping and vegetation data collection. Here’s the report and the attachment to the report.


Monetising the benefits of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and green infrastructure features

We investigated some of our WSUD and green infrastructure initiatives to understand the value they have on water quality, neighbourhood character, health benefits and more.


Water Sensitive Urban Design for a Resilient East

Did you know there are over 1,000 examples of WSUD across the Resilient East region?

This report investigates the extent and performance of WSUD initiatives in our region.


Street tree species guideline

This Guideline has been developed to assist councils in choosing a diversity of tree species, suitable to our changing climate.

It lists over 100 species and considers attributes like; useful life expectancy, watering needs and resilience to droughts, pests and severe weather events.


Resilient East Annual Report

Our Annual Report reflects back on the past year, our achievements, challenges and opportunities for the future.

It highlights the value of collaboration, and the importance of adapting together.


Resilient East Action Plan 2020-24

This Action Plan sets out our priorities for the eastern region over the next four years.

It will help us implement the Adaptation Plan (listed above), and, includes the actions we will take together as councils to ensure regional benefits. 


Creating more spaces for trees

This report is the outcome of a University of Adelaide Industry Engaged PhD Internship Project, supported by the City of Adelaide and Resilient East.

It looks at underground space available to plant urban trees and influencing factors, such as utility services and planning regulations.

The information is applicable across Adelaide, though, it focuses on examples in the City of Adelaide.


Resilient East Annual Report 2020-21

Our Annual Report reflects back on the past year, our achievements, challenges and opportunities for the future.

It highlights the value of collaboration, and the importance of adapting together.


Resilient East Annual Highlights Report 2021 - 2022

Our Annual Highlights Report reflects back on the past year, our achievements, challenges and opportunities for the future.

It highlights the value of collaboration, and the importance of adapting together.


Resilient East annual highlights report 2022-2023

Our Annual Highlights Report helps us to celebrate and reflect on our past achievements, learnings and future opportunities.

It demonstrates the importance of our partnerships, our positive influences, and community and regional impacts.