A Guide to Getting Started
This Guide is here to support you. It has been developed by the Australian Red Cross.
Use it to start a conversation with others about how the things they value will be impacted by climate change, and what can be done to continue to thrive. Together we can make big changes.
Click on the image to download.
Top 10 Climate Ready Actions
Here are some actions that you can take today.
Click on the image to view or download.
This is an initiative of local community members (Climate Ready Champions) who participated in the Climate Ready Communities training program. They developed these resources to help assist you on your climate ready journey.
These posters are designed to help spark conversations with neighbours. You can download, print and place a poster on your front door or fence. Jot down some simple actions you’re doing in the white space.
Click on the images below to view or download.
This is an initiative of local community members (Climate Ready Champions) who participated in the Climate Ready Communities training program. They developed these resources to help assist you on your climate ready journey.
Here’s the posters in action!
Climate ready homes
For a bunch of useful resources that will help you on your way to creating a climate ready home, check out our Climate Ready Homes webpage.
climate ready schools
Climate Ready Schools is an exciting initiative that will challenge students to carry out investigations into climate change adaptation possibilities in their school or local neighbourhood.
With the support of Green Adelaide Education, schools develop solutions to the climate change adaptation issues they choose to investigate.
The climate change learning is integrated into the school curriculum through the sustainability cross-curriculum priority to provide learning opportunities for students, professional development for teachers, and a clear course of action that schools can take to address climate change issues.
Be inspired by what other schools have done and access resources to help your school take action.
Find out more about Climate Ready Schools in this video
Climate Ready Communities Facebook Group
Join the Climate Ready Communities Facebook Group to hear and share thoughts, ideas and resources about preparing for climate change and extreme weather events.
Climate Ready Communities Training
Australian Red Cross, in partnership with South Australian councils, are helping communities prepare for intensified extreme events and a changing climate.
Climate Ready Communities training empowers people to understand the risks they currently face, the way these are changing, and what they can do to build resilience.
Champions are supported by the Red Cross through training about how to support others to take action to become ‘climate ready’, practical guidance to deliver activities and events in communities across South Australia, and, the opportunity to get involved in Red Cross’ emergency response and preparedness activities.
Urban Heat and Tree Mapping Viewer
Use the Urban Heat and Tree Mapping Viewer to view mapping layers of heat and tree canopy coverage and height (for trees three metres and above) for your home, street, business or neighbourhood! You can compare the heat and tree layers to see how different land uses, designs, materials and vegetation provide a cooling effect on your local area on hot days. To assist you in using the online tool, we have developed six fun and interactive Urban Heat factsheets!
We hope that once you have spent some time using this tool to understand the relationships between these layers, and identifying areas that need more trees, you will be motivated to take action at your local level to help make your neighbourhood resilient to urban heat.
Preparing for Heatwaves
Missed out on attending Feeling Hot Hot Hot? Here are some key messages from our expert panel, as well as some actions you can take to prepare for heatwaves.
My Cool home tool
Regardless of your home or budget, there are things you can DIY, or, work with an architect or builder to renovate or refurbish.
Get started bu using our 3D interactive house and garden walk-through, and, My Cool Home assessment tool. You’ll find relevant information and you can use the tool to assess the energy efficiency and comfort of your exisiting or future home.
Thermal imaging cameras
Thermal imaging cameras are available to borrow from the library for residents of the cities of Unley, Prospect and Norwood, Payneham & St Peters!
The cameras detect areas of heat loss/gain in the home, resulting in a clearer understanding of energy consumption and costs.
They complement our home energy tool kits, also available for loan. Just ask your library!
becoming Water Smart
Becoming water smart will help you use water efficiently, save money and create a healthy, green, cool home and neighbourhood. You will also be better prepared for longer periods of less overall rainfall, and, more intensive storm events which bring heavy rain.
Get Informed
Being informed allows us to better prepare. Visit our page for a list of helpful websites.
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Search for, or use, our hashtag #ResilientEast.
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