Being water smart is important to achieving a healthy, green, liveable city as it promotes planting more trees and vegetation, increasing biodiversity, becoming more efficient and managing water smarter.
We are working at a local level to ensure our region is water smart and resilient to climate change.
What does ‘water smart’ mean?
Water in urban environments is a valuable resources that is often quickly lost and washed away into stormwater drains that connect to rivers and oceans. This water also carries pollutants and chemicals which cause harm to wildlife and the natural environment it ends up in.
‘Water smart’ is the planning and designing of gardens, homes, streets and cities to ensure they make the best use of water in urban areas, while reducing harm to rivers and oceans, by capturing, filtering and using it locally.
This is also referred to as ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)’. Learn more about WSUD on the Water Sensitive SA website.
Did you know most of the people who live in the eastern Adelaide region also have water smart systems at home? A rainwater tank is water smart!
What are we doing in eastern Adelaide?
In eastern Adelaide, we are installing water smart solutions in our parks, streets and roads to create cooler, greener and more sustainable places for us to live, visit and enjoy. Have you spotted any?
There are ‘thirsty’ raingardens, wetlands, street tree inlets, verge soaker infiltration systems and permeable pavers that you can visit and see working in action (best on a rainy day!). Some, you could even install in your home, school or workplace!
These systems work to:
slow and store water to prevent flooding and erosion;
direct more water to plants and trees;
reduce the use of mains/drinking water;
remove chemicals and pollutants for cleaner water;
enhance habitat and support wildlife;
reduce environmental harm;
cool our neighbourhoods and homes during hot temperatures; and
reduce the impacts of climate change.
see them in action!
Permeable Paving
Verge Soaker
Street Tree Inlets
Other WSUD related videos we love can also be found on our YouTube.
Take a look at the Water Sensitive SA Interactive Map to search for more water smart project locations around Adelaide. Once you have the map opened, click on the name or location markers to view information about each.
Tip: search ‘Biofiltration’ for raingardens.
For more of what’s happening in Adelaide, check out the Department for Environment and Water’s Urban Water Programs and Initiatives website.
Smart management of urban water helps to create a Water Smart City. The City of Burnside has a dynamic and informative website that shows water smart initiatives and their importance in the City. Find out more here.
water smart resources
Resources for builders & developers
Water Sensitive SA resources to assist developers to comply with stormwater management requirements within the Planning and Design Code.
Industry guidelines: Designing for a cool city
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities has developed this handy guide to help practitioners design for cool cities. You might find it handy too!
Resources for educators
Landscape South Australia provides schools with water related education materials, plans, activities and inspiration.
Resilient East partner councils
Take a look around your local council website for tips, water smart solutions or water sensitive urban design, typically found under the ‘environment’ section. You might be surprised to find local initiatives right outside your door! While you’re there, ask your council if you can green your verge - another water smart solution for your home and neighbourhood.
“Resilient East partner councils are working together on water smart solutions with Water Sensitive SA and Green Adelaide to ensure our region is cooler, greener, wilder and more climate resilient.”