Missed out on attending Feeling Hot Hot Hot?
Here’s some key messages from our expert panel…
1. Heatwaves are a coordinated community response. Everyone has a role to play in checking on family, friends, neighbours and those vulnerable during these events.
2. Understand heatwaves for your area and how they affect you via the Bureau of Meteorology Heatwave Service tool.
3. Prepare. Have a personal and professional plan for heatwaves, other climate impacts. Download the Get Prepared app from the Australian Red Cross. If you’re a business, prepare a continuity plan.
4. Learn to be healthy in the heat. SA Health have many tips on being prepared, responding to extreme heat and the coping in the days after. Check their tips for sleeping, pets, babies, teenagers, people with health conditions and more. Plus, monitor your fluids by checking your urine colour!
5. Learn about how heatwaves impact energy supply. Make a plan and ways to keep cool just in case the power goes out.
6. If you have frail family, monitor their health and keep updated about power outages - sign up for outage alerts.
7. Encourage better building design from the beginning – for yourself, for your families health and for the environment – start with Adelaide’s Green Book of local, sustainable businesses.
8. Be the change you want to see regarding climate change. Individuals working collectively can make a difference.
“Great to see a wide range of experts and professionals on the panel. Loved the fact someone from Red Cross was there who volunteers and sees 1st hand the effect of heat and the elderly. Amanda Blair was excellent, kept it fun, entertaining and informative. Well done to everyone involved and the Adelaide town hall was a great venue for a city location.