Campbelltown’s Climate Ready Forum brings together speakers, displays and inspiration to help people prepare for extreme heat events and build networks of resilience.
Hear from and talk to a range of experts about the best ways to stay healthy and cooler in the heat, including Gardening Guru Sophie Thomson who will show how to use your garden to keep you cool, and learn how to design your home for a changing climate.
Support your health, coping with extreme weather events.
Use your garden to cool you and your household.
Learn key elements to designing a climate friendly home
Find out how different materials perform in extreme heat and how your house/street is performing.
Help inform how our city can be cooler, greener and more liveable and find out what Campbelltown is currently doing.
Get connected and informed.
There will be range of stalls covering information such as:
SA Health - Heatwaves, staying healthy in emergencies;
Check out your home/neighbourhood and how it is performing in the heat
Energy Smart - Make your home more energy efficient, Understand your bills.
Understanding how the new Planning Reforms will impact on a changing climate
Greening your verge
Drought tolerant and native plants
Program of speakers
5:45pm Welcome & Introduction - Mayor Jill Whittaker
6pm Staying safe in the heat - Dr Kate Wylie, Doctors for the Environment
6.30 Keeping Campbelltown Cool - Rachael Hamilton, Campbelltown Council
7pm Designing for increased water in open spaces - Dan french TBC
7.30 Using your garden to cool you down - Sophie Thomson
8pm Designing for a changing climate - Cathryn Hamilton, Alternative Technology Association
Light Refreshments and nibbles will be provided